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Wedgie Story
Chapter 12 : Bowling with the boys and Chuck's Friends

Piling out of the family car, the Pezzino males made their way into the bowling alley. Along with them were three of Chuck's friends, but let's see the rest of the family first. Chuck lead the way wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red bowling jersey that wasn't tucked it, but only made it to the top of his pants. Jeff was behind him with Eric. Both wore the same neon orange t-shirt and blue jeans. Sagging, of course. Next was Tony and Isaac. Tony was wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans that were sagging a bit, while Issac managed to be wearing the same thing as his father. Then, behind the group was Chuck's friends. First, there was Don. He was a year older than Chuck, he was tall had greyish, black hair, bushy mustache and he's skinny, but not in shape. He was wearing a blue bowling jersey tucked into a pair of blue jeans, which were a little high on his waist being held by a belt. Next to him was Louis. He was a few years younger than Chuck. He was muscular with dark brown hair. He was wearing a green bowling jersey and his khaki shorts were sagging a bit. Trailing the group with a few packs of beer was Harold. Now, he was a very big man. 300lbs, not that tall, and took up a lot of space. His black hair wasn't very long at all. He was wearing an orange bowling jersey tucked into a pair of blue jeans up above his waist.

As the group filed in, they were given two lanes next to each other. After they all changed into their bowling shoes and picked their lanes, the bowling began. The three adults with Jeff and Tony were on one side, while they let Issac and Eric have the other side. Slowly, the four older guys became a little drunk over the beers, but it just kept them loopy. Their games were being bowled pretty well nonetheless. It was a matter of time before Chuck piped up with a bet.

"Hey," he blurted out," How about every time you get a strike, you get to give one of the other guys a wedgie without ripping their underwear and whoever gets the lowest score, gets the ultimate wedgie!"

They all agreed with a laugh and began bowling. After a few frames, no one got any strikes and they were all getting anxious. Then, as Chuck went up to bowl, he tripped and fell. As he landed, his jersey flipped up a bit. At that moment, as they laughed, the black light bowling began. Immediately, Jeff and Eric's shirts lit up brightly because of their neon coloring. Something else lit up. A white material on Chuck's back lit up from the lights. Smiling, Louis walked over to the man laying on the ground and pretended to help him up. Instead, he grabbed onto the white FTL waistband and yanked. Chuck felt a sharp pain in his butt as the cotton briefs were launched through his ass. As his leg holes popped out, he felt like he knew what was going to happen. The waistband was stretched further and further until it was hooked onto his forehead. All he knew was that he was going to get him back. . .

{To be Continued} ---Spoiler, it was never continued lol

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Wedgie Story - by Wedgiemanatomic - 01-09-2019, 04:17 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 04-20-2019, 08:38 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:51 AM

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