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how do people respond when you tell them about your wedgie fetish? some either ghost me, think i’m joking or think it’s cute..
The only person that knows for me is my wife. I never did tell anyone close to me. After that first initial shock she has been very open and fun with them!
(06-19-2020, 05:16 PM)Wedgiemoon1 Wrote: The only person that knows for me is my wife. I never did tell anyone close to me. After that first initial shock she has been very open and fun with them!
good for you man! that’s awesome
I haven't explicitly told anyone, but I did ask a guy to give me one while we were making out. He chuckled, and he did give me one but I could tell he was hesitant. it wasn't a terrible exchange at the end of the day.
Fortunately enough everyone I’ve told has been pretty accepting. A few of my friends who know even ask me questions about it.
I've told guys that I'm romantically involved with and they've had no issue. They usually just tell me that it is cool and it is what I like, everyone has their own thing.

As for friends I've told, all of them have been cool with it. I've joked to them about giving me wedgies when I first told them and most of them just joked back and never said anything about it again or did it. I mean I usually never bring it up again either but that's just cause I'm scared and don't wanna be rude or creep them out. But for one of my friends I bring it up a lot cause he always talks about his sexual experiences (he's straight btw) and so to counteract him I just talk about wedgies. He hasn't given me one yet, but he is slowly warming up to the idea, he said it could maybe be my 21st birthday present haha.

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