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What Can't you Do?
Just for kicks, what are some regular things that you just can't seem to master? I've had this conversation with people before and it's usually fun, relatable, and sometimes a little embarrassing, lol. 
For me:

- I've never been able to put on a bra "normal" by putting it on and reaching around to do the clasps. I  always put them on backwards, do the clasps, and then turn them around... Maybe my arms are just short  though because I always have to open my door to reach the ticket at toll booths. 

- I don't know how to ride a bike. No one ever taught me as a kid. I tired once in my adult life but it was terrifying and I was wearing a skirt so it allover didn't go well. 

-When you throw a football and it does that spirally thing? Absolutely has never happened when I've thrown footballs.
I can't drive or ride a bike
I can't swim. I sink like a rock.
I don’t know how to whistle, never worked for me.
I dont know how to snap my fingers or blow my nose.
Hm, let's see.
I never learned how to ride a bike. I just kept falling down (I was a bit accident prone when I was a kid, but I think I've outgrown that now).
I don't know how to whistle when I actually try (I have done it unintentionally a few times, but when I actually try to whistle, I can't seem to do it).
I also never learned how to skip.
It also took me forever to learn how to snap my fingers and shuffle a deck of cards, and now I do both of those in a weird way (I snap with my pinky or ring finger, and I turn my hands backwards to shuffle cards).

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