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The greater good
Umm so it's about obvious to everyone here that there's a good amount of people still using this site and a greater amount with I'd like to believe no longer does I also have been on here a while I used to have another account I stayed to using one but when my phone broke long story short I was screwed on ever getting in so forced to make this new account my point here is to improve  communications and any chance of a meet up etc we should delete anyone who can't atleast come online once a month or something just so we can weed out all the dead accounts would work wonders for meeting people whether it's online or in real life because the amount of accounts thats last activity was the beginning of this year are alot and the amount of accounts last activity  that's 2 to 5 years ago is even greater infact pages of pages of posts and accounts from years ago never to be replied  to and even if they are will never get a response from the author I believe alot of this came from in the beginning of this site it may have had a slow come up and alot of people bailed the possibilities are endless but if we clean out the old and the unused we can definitely improve this site by a large margin it would be come alot easier  to communicate online and half as hard to meet with people in your state or region because we can all agree it's hard as it is for our community to actually get to a point of feeling them undies slide into home base like a homerun because there's alot of us but doesn't seem to be alot of us in the same areas so to weed out any other obstacles to that would be the most beneficial and the biggest obstacle on this site is unused accounts dead ends for an opportunity to get stretched I hope this happends soon and remember people to always try and ignore the laughs in the background and struggle as the cotton twists Sick
Giggling faces all around you all you can hear is their laughter your eyes widen as you feel your undies slide in deep as your reeled up the flagpole you slowly sway side to side with your head down while more laugh at you on their way out to their buses you just hope your mom comes sooner this time
While I agree that it would be nice to have a filter for flakers and absentee profiles, I'm not sure that's the best way to go about doing it.
There's some exciting stuff coming soon, so maybe that will help with getting more people to be and remain active!

It is a problem, but there's not an easy solution. However, it is something to definitely think about.

Thanks for your feedback!

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