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Wedgies and Race??? - Wedgie365 - 10-05-2023

Couple things:

I’ve been around for awhile and have seen a lot of things come in and out of the community but one thing I think is just as big of an issue as age in the community is actually racism. After talking to some other POC guys about it it’s definitely an issue. 

As a black man (i can only speak to my experiences), it’s crazy how many racist people I run into when taking/thinking about this kink. From subtle things like, only posting pictures of a certain type of person to explicit things like saying that a black man should be a wedgie slave because…ya know. It’s WILD. 

I think it really gets prevelant when you start talking about the idea of meetups and doing wedgies in person and I personally find that extremely messed up. If you can’t do wedgies with someone because they are a different color than you, I hate to tell you but man you’ve got issues. On numerous occasions it has happened it’s crazy how many guys will just ghost because a person is any type of POC. 

I mean theres really nothing that can be done about it but just felt like it should be said

RE: Wedgies and Race??? - Pabubu21 - 10-11-2023

Thank you for bringing this up, and yeah it's definitely one of those important issues that don't get talked about a lot. I feel just as powerless to do anything about it but I hope that there are more discussions about this kinda thing in the future.

RE: Wedgies and Race??? - SpaceCorgi - 10-11-2023

Honestly, there isn't anything any one of us can do to fix the problem as a whole. You can really only count on having control over yourself. The best any of us can do is try to do better, and be willing to reflect and learn on our own actions.

It's important for people to be willing to call out their experience with a community, and as individuals in that community we have to be willing to hear the bad about it. Individually, we should strive to be better than the bad, and not give platform to those actively contributing to the issue.

At least, that's my thoughts.

RE: Wedgies and Race??? - Wedgie365 - 10-16-2023

I agree with both of you. I think it does take a level of calling out stuff like this for it to have any change.

If not then it’ll just continually get swept under the rug.